We provide the resources below for information only, and no part of its contents should be construed as medical advice, diagnosis, recommendation or endorsement by Nurture. Nurture does not assume any liability for programs conducted via the use of this material. Participating individuals should always ask their physician for his or her recommendation before starting any new health-related activity.
We hope that you enjoy the Nurture prenatal materials provided. Please credit Nurture when using them.
- Intro to healthy pregnancy and folate
- Breakfast and hydration
- Breastfeeding benefits and basics
- Essential nutrients
- Nutri-stars (omega 3s and antioxidants)
- Reducing stress
- Yoga and stress reduction
In working with groups of expectant or new moms, the following resources may be of interest:
Nurture Guide to Feeding your Baby From Birth to 3 years old
La Guia de Nurture sobre como alimentar a su bebe de nacimiento a 3 años